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are converted into a sort of demigods, timberland uk it is a duty to shew what they were, that men may be shamed, when they cannot be reasoned, out of their folly. And here, sir, I am very much disposed to give a challenge to these wise men of the British Magazine and of the Oxford Tracts ; and I will do so, especially, Timberland 2011 New Arrivals with the view of undeceiving the public on this point; and my challenge is this: I challenge all these men to produce from the modern works of sectaries any thing so puerile, fanciful, foolish, extravagant, and unscriptural, as I shall produce from the writings of the very earliest Fathers, even those called apostolical. This is my challenge; and let them ransack the works of all the sectaries in our day, except Socinians and Papists. I could almost afford them the works of Joanna Southcote and Jacob Behmen. I will not except those of Ranters; for I am sure can match them, and even overmatch them. With this challenge I close this letter. Misopapisticus. c  tie system of the oxford tracts.

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