Anti-Electric Wall meaningless argument is not a safety standard – Anti-electric

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Standardization Technical Committee device
Appliances Sub-Technology Committee's annual meeting came a message:
Water heater
Safety standards, performance standards for water heaters, water heaters installed on the three proposals, including a formal standard was adopted, although still waiting for approval by the State Standards Committee, but the basic no suspense in the first half is expected to implement. More noteworthy is that, in the environmental safety standards concerning the anti-leakage technology,
Anti-electric wall technology was adopted, and before, there has been foreign to the challenge of this technology, so now both sides are still debating this?

Safety standards will be enforced

Know that the
Water Heater
Manufacturer in the manufacture of electric water heaters only when the standard reference GB4706.12-1995 "Household and similar electrical appliances storage-type electric water heater special requirements" and QB1238-91 "storage-type electric water heater performance test method", the former is about the electric water heater safety standard, which is the standard electric water heater performance.

But the experts pointed out that the two standards have lagged far behind the current development of this industry, many content imperfect, many provisions have also been very useful. Therefore, based on the current state of consumption, electricity environment, product standards with new rules, has become an urgent task.

In this case, all the technology to provide security in the standards development process continued to be mentioned, anti-Wall is one of power and gave rise to the foreign
The Debate, formed Haier, Shuaikang camp headed by domestic enterprises, as well as Smith, Ariston camp, led by foreign investment. Now the dust has settled, before the fierce opposition of the foreign brands has been whether to change the attitude?

When Smith's Electro relevant person in charge, its said: "If it is for against electric wall technology is included in the new safety standard things, and we have no comment. Now the things we can not stand."

Ariston, who declined to name the responsible person interviewed said that the introduction of the new standards, no matter what additional content, after all, the encouragement of enterprise and consumer responsibility, is timely and worthy of recognition. As for the anti-electric technology as a new safety standard wall, the official said inconvenience evaluation, but Ariston will continue in accordance with international
Safety standards to their products.

Water heater, deputy head of the national standard drafting team Hou full rudder in the interview with this reporter, said that in our country, all the safety standards are mandatory, according to China's policy is equivalent to IEC standards, in that there is not room for discussion.

Argument has lost its meaning

Electric industry on the anti-wall technology is long-standing dispute, which opposed a strong Ariston, Smith has emphasized that electric water heater as the highest level of security for Class 1 appliances, the basic requirements for such appliances the measures to be taken to ground, and must be ground good performance, this is the most stringent level of security of electronic products of a class, made anti-power wall technology is not necessary.

This, Hou full rudder, said the current standards on the premise that earth grounding reliable, many Chinese families did not ground, that is the cornerstone of the current standards do not exist there.

His view, anti-electricity wall by the National Standardization Technical Committee as a class of enhanced standards, is undoubtedly improve our current standards. A ground wire is best, no grounding wire can also ensure that users bathing foolproof, so anti-electric wall heater Caibei defined as a class enhanced water heater.

Hou full rudder and explained that a class of enhanced only in the current international Class 1, 2, 3 class safety standards on the basis of a class added. Manufacturers can produce two class safety standards to the water heater, but if you want to produce enhanced safety standards for Class 1 electric water heater, manufacturers can not prevent electric wall using technology, but must meet the standards for such products, technology testing requirements. Haier Electrical standards and anti-patent can not be equal to the wall, the standard is to provide, and Haier of this patent belongs to one of the means required by this provision.

Consumer demand in the first place

It is understood that the three criteria of this introduction of electric water heaters, from product development to
And then to install, so products are standards to follow from beginning to end, which is on the water heater manufacturer with reference standards.

Participate in the new Standard as one of Haier, the relevant person in charge of their water heater interview with this reporter, said the new industry standard will have a new leading role. First, the new standard-setting is no longer the same as before, only to consider how international standards, but also fully taken into account the actual situation of their country, including electricity environment, water quality, regional differences, etc.; the other is not new standards then as before, the interest to participate in business mainly, but entirely with the protection of the interests of consumers, on the production techniques and product quality demands.

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