Other analysts said the iPad will boost sales of Tablet

Recently, the U.S. market research firm IDC’s latest data show that however the iPad tablet(ZT-180) companies are still dominant, playing with the future on other tablet is anticipated to experiment with a task in boosting sales.

IDC data show how the second quarter with this year, the world’s Tablet PC shipments reached 13.6 000 0000 units, expansion of 88.9%, a growth of 303.8%. Which means this year their Tablet computer shipments worldwide are expected on the 53.5 million raised to 62.5 million units on stage.

This demand has released in February, driven iPad 2, the product or service shipments from the second quarter to arrive at 9.3 million units, the first-quarter global business from 65.7% to 68.3%.

IDC research director for mobile Internet devices soup Mumeinali (Tom Mainelli) said: “be strong interest on Apple products, the media panel shipments within the second quarter of solid growth. Weight loss manufacturers introduce more price competitive Android product, and Apple’s continued efforts to help keep market dominance, the next and fourth quarter is anticipated to total shipments increases. ”

Market research firm Pund-IT Principal Analyst Charles King (Charles King) that, iPad sales increase could eventually develop a more open market. He said: “The latest tablet PCs are already almost Apple-led market, but as consumers and businesses gradually adapt to the Tablet computer, and understand the huge benefits and downsides of these products, creating opportunities for other products.PC and smart phone industry in the past have experienced similar trends, which could seem illogical, but sometimes, a very good pioneer and later can indeed help people.”

IDC data show that, RIM flat second-quarter global PC shipments rose to 4.9 percent share, but Android Pc tablet never share fell 34% inside the first quarter to 26.8%.

IDC expects, Android will share in the third quarter and further decline to 23%, but will resume development in the fourth quarter. This company expects to carry the TouchPad webOS system ahead of the end of Tablet computer shipments will reach 100 million units, the system is expected to market third-quarter global business of four.7%. However, HP has announced to quit ecommerce, so now’s the reduced tariff of $ 99 inventory-clearance sale TouchPad.

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