Basics Of Nuclear Bomb Shelters
A general nuclear bomb shelter includes shields that have an ability to minimize exposure of gamma ray by a factor of 1000. Point to be noted here is that you can get the required shielding done and dusted with 10 times the amount of any material quantity that can reduce effects of gamma ray by 50 percent.
Shields that can minimize gamma ray intensity by half consists of 1 cm of lead, 150 m of air, 6 cm of concrete and last but not the least 9 cm of packed dirt. When the development of multiple thicknesses took place, you are going to find that the shielding also multiplies. Therefore, one can safely say that a practical fallout shield contains ten halving-packed dirt thicknesses, ensuring that gamma rays are cut down by 1024 times.
Generally, an expedient oriented nuclear bomb shelter is a trench, with powerful roof buried by c. 1 m of dirt. The two trench portions have ramps or entrances at right angles. The main objective behind this is to make sure that gamma rays do not make it presence felt. Furthermore, to make the overburden waterproof, it is advisable that you employ plastic sheet below the surface.
When it comes to good thermal insulator, there is nothing better than dry earth, and over a period of ten to fifteen days of habitation, a shelter is going to become too hot and you are going to feel uncomfortable. You will require a fan to cool down the shelter. Fan should have a big frame with flaps swinging in all direction.
You do not need to worry about the unfiltered air, as it is not harmful. There is no requirement of extensive filters, as huge particles are not ingested that easily into the body soft tissues. Any fine dust exposure is far less hazardous in comparison to the gamma exposure from the outside fallout shelter. It has been noticed that dust fine enough to go through the entrance will generally pass through the shelter.
Often, installation of blast protection valves are done at the air-inlet and air outlet so that there is no blast waves penetration felt outside of the shelter. There is going to be a development of positive pressure in the shelter when you pull the filtered air into the portion that is protected. The air is filtered with the help of an NBC-filter. It is of paramount importance that the upper floors thickness develops an effective shield. In addition, the sheltered portion windows must not view fallout-covered ground.
About the Author
John Marshal writes on nuclear bomb shelters. For more details about nbc filters log on to