Eco Friendly Fashion 2012

Being concerned about earth is not only a thing about ethics but also quite a big trend in the latest years. Sustainable fashion seems to gain more and more popularity and we can see it on the catwalks being one of the trends. So what does eco fashion mean and how can it help the environment?

A lot of fashion products are vegan, which means the producers make them without using leather or any animal products. For example, shoes are not made with leather but with recycled materials and natural materials like Amazonian rubber. They are very fashionable and they will be a statement of fashion in 2012 so make sure to check out some of the stores that offer these products.

Another important part of sustainable fashion is the fact that it respects people and the earth by avoiding exploitation or over consuming the natural materials. Recycling is definitely a must and almost anything can be recycled and put to good use; such as fabrics, metals or fibers. There’s no need to throw away your clothes when you can recycle them or give them to a company that will use them.

While we’re on the recycling subject you should also be aware that vintage and second hand clothes are also a trend of sustainable fashion. You don’t need to waste perfectly good clothes, you can swap them with other clothes or give them to a thrift store. Vintage and antiquities are big trends this winter so you will definitely be able to find some inexpensive items in a vintage or second hand shop.

Handmade is another big part of sustainable fashion and what’s great about it is the fact that it will be extremely trendy in 2012. Traditional embroideries or different patterns that can only be achieved using ancient techniques will be a hot fashion trend combined with ethnic jewelry and other beautiful handmade products. You can create a unique look that will express your free spirit and will make every day worth living.

Slow fashion is a big trend nowadays along with slow food and slow living. It’s against industrialization and it manages to reduce the influence mass produced fashion has on the environment.

Also, if you have a sensible skin you will find eco friendly fashion very useful as it uses a lot of natural fibers made from plants that are grown without pesticides. These are extremely good for children’s clothing and people who have different conditions that make them sensible to certain fibers.

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