April Zhejiang Enterprises Increased Recruitment Of A Rebound Into The Hardware

Recently, China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing released the latest data, in April purchasing managers index (PMI) rose to 52.4 from the 53.5 in March, the second consecutive month to 50 above. Before the index is 5 consecutive months below 50. According to data provided by Hangzhou Municipal Economic Commission, the lead began to pick up the main focus in the mechanical hardware, food and beverage, communications, electronics and biomedical industries.

Previously for 8 consecutive months below 50 boundaries CLSA China Purchasing Managers Index, the first time in April rose to 50.1 (PMI above 50 indicates expansion in manufacturing in the trend, below 50 reflects the manufacturing contraction).

Personnel under the Zhejiang province network statistics, recruiting information published on the site of production manufacturing enterprises, 3? April 1? In February increased by 10.8%; the production of all manufacturing enterprises accounted for the proportion of the total number of recruiters, from 1? in February to 15.6%, up to 3? April’s 16.9%. April enterprise employment increased significantly.

Hangzhou Economic and Trade Commission official says that although Financial Hangzhou crisis caused great impact the manufacturing industry, but “the situation is better, pick up signs of obvious.”

Labor market as “difficulty in recruiting,” anxious

“51” little vacation after the next City Paradise Industrial Park, many companies recruit at the roadside stall, “general workers”, demand for anywhere from several dozen to more than one hundred people. But the candidates much. “Point of common work can help move it?” Park production bags of a company, a leader Wang told reporters that they now only need to staff this branch on the hundreds of people.

According to a services company located in Xiasha responsible person: “early in March, our center every day, several dozen job-seekers do not get out. But Recently, a large number of VIP Enterprises, we did not work can be send. “According to reports, by the end of April early May, and employment demand in a moment, more than a general office work. With the previous month, in May entering enterprises increased by 20%? 30%, provide jobs also increased significantly.

Foreign workers under the employment service center in Hangzhou to incomplete statistics, the current labor market demand, even the existence of related industries and employment gaps. According to statistics, the current labor market needs top three in the manufacturing, wholesale and retail trade, services and other services the residents.

Relevant person in charge of employment service centers and even some worried: more than 130 corporate approach to recruitment 2000, only to less than 600 candidates. The responsible person said, and the supply is reversed starting from April, the business approach and provide the staff ratio 2? More than 30% in March.

Human resources development center in Hangzhou staff also confirmed to reporters yesterday, this time many companies recruit people to consume much, and some companies even demand more than one thousand. Several companies reflect the need to recruit a large number of general workers and some of its technical workers, the labor department has been linked with a number of provincial technical school, allow enterprises to recruit people directly from the technical school.

Machinery Hardware , Communications and Medicine And so the first rebound

According to data provided by Hangzhou Municipal Economic Commission, the lead began to pick up the main focus Food Beverages, machinery, hardware, communications Electronic And biological medicine. The most obvious example is the Wahaha.

Hardware Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Wan Jian is located in a foreign factory Xiasha market throughout Japan, Europe and the United States and other countries and regions. Since the orders for April, the company understaffed, has intended to enroll in the part of workers to the mainland.

Last year, invested 6 billion yuan Wahaha introduced from Europe and the United States the world’s top 90 production lines, new branch offices throughout the country. Currently, Wahaha has 56 production sites nationwide, more than 300 production lines, one quarter of the amount of 10.3 billion revenue, profits and taxes 2.9 billion, increased by 18.7% and 95.75%.

Headquartered in Hangzhou, Han Shi Garments Co., Ltd., currently has 90 employees this year, the mainland still have to recruit 15 staff. Last year the world Clothing Han Sell Revenue more than 90 million, is expected to grow 30% this year about them in April this increase procurement of raw materials, cotton yarn and spandex covered yarn of the purchases, an increase of more than 35% of all.

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