Carton Industry: To Carry Out The Direction For The Development Of Conservation

China Carton The market industry a few years ago Competition Intense price competition are the main means, resulting in decreased product quality, economic decline, which is not consistent with Market economy Law of development.

China Package Federation of the Council installed the sixth three times: “conscientiously implement the Fourth Plenary Session of the Third Central Committee and the Central Economic Work Conference, the scientific development concept to guide the development of the industry, industrial restructuring, changing business models of production and economic growth and work hard” .

This year is the “Eleventh Five-Year” Planning Start of the year, can complete the “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” and the Sixth China package together all the tasks the Council three times, we must strive to overcome difficulties and blaze new trails for the realization of the “Eleventh Five” China Packaging Industry a good start and continued, Health And coordinated development and tireless efforts.

In order to implement the “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” to adjust the industrial structure and transforming economic growth mode and production management methods, saving set point is to carry out business activities. Changes in production structure, focusing on product quality, reduce production costs, save resources for the state, improve economic efficiency for the enterprise.

1, China’s current paper Luggage 80% loaded five boxes, three boxes about 20%, while the United States, European countries accounted for 15% of the five cases, while the three boxes of about 85% points. According to the above a lot of waste of paper resources in China, increased production costs, lack of forest resources in China and less paper consumption, which can save, but also reduce the carton costs 30% of the benefit of consumers. Carton may, according to the weight of the three-tier box contents to ensure the physical properties of the target. Without the use of five cases, benefits the country and facilitate the enterprise to achieve the goal.

2, reduce paper consumption. The current loss rate of good corporate base paper (base paper into the factory to the finished product from the factory the whole process), only 4-5%. Bad company as much as 10%. The gap between base paper loss rate of around 5% is 5% loss of profits, large companies several million dollars, several hundred thousand small businesses, is really an alarming figure, resulting in increased business costs, economic decline, so do not grasp not, but must be seized. Why do good business loss rate is low? Do a good job losses in the production process management, has a bad loss piece, send order, repair, use, processing pad, separated files, such as inner lining in order to recycle waste, reduce paper consumption rate.

3, do a good job Energy . Water, electricity, coal, gas, oil is a national shortage of energy, this year the state of the main energy prices to be adjusted again. Carton plant is water, electricity, coal, gas big. We promote energy-saving steam recovery boiler room can be a large number of Water , Saving , Saving coal, solar terms, section salt, energy-saving equipment of tens of thousands of dollars, ranging from three months to more than half of recyclable equipment. Like Shanghai Jia, army tent, Huaxing, Fu light installation works well and other enterprises. According to the survey, 55% water, saving 25%, saving coal 32%, 34% salt section. Installation of equipment does not affect production.

Paper container packaging committee to save enterprises as the starting point to achieve lower production costs, improve economic efficiency, conserve resources for the country. Let the people get benefits.

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