Digi-Tall takes Nine Inch Nails place in Interscopes Records lineup

Nine inch nails fufills Interscope contract and leaves the industrial music genre paving the way for new Interscope recording artist Digi-tall to take the lead role. Nine inch Nails final album Year Zero was the last release by Nin and Interescope.

The Nine inch nails has now been put on hiatus while Trent works with his new band How to Destroy Angels. In the absence of Trent and Nin, interscope filled the void with a new band called Digi-Tall an Industrial Electronic
Alternative band from Florida, the old stomping grounds of such acts like Marylin Manson and others.

Digi-Tall is led by front man Christian Digi Gonzalez and Jean Pierre who write, produce, perform record, mix and master there own music at halose7en recording studios. “We like the fact we depend on our self’s for all of our music projects, this gives us full creative freedom and say, we must take our creative power back from the cookie cuter mentality that has plagued the music industry in these past years” Says front man Christian Digi. The band finished their first release with Halose7en Records and Interscope, called Dualist. The album Dualist is a landscape of driving electronic beats layered with Christians soothing vocals that explode with passion throughout. From tracks like “8nfinity’s” fast beating pace to “Intuition”s slow melodic ballad, Dualist is a ride towards self discovery. Now band is working on there second album called Karma. They are planing on making KARMA only 7 tracks, far smaller from the average 11 tracks found on albums.”Itunes killed the concept of an album, as an artist you work on an album as one project, one long song, but now people get to just buy one song and thus missing out on the whole user experience” Says Jean Pierre. Karma is set to be released early 2012. So far the band has 1 album and 2 eps on there belt, but with a 2nd album at hand and a plethora of good music coming soon, people are starting to realize that Digi-Tall is and will be a force to reckon with in the future. Look out 2012, its a Digi-Tall world out there.

To find out more about Interscope Recording artist Digi-Tall, please visit: http://digi-tall.com/

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