The Greatness In Giving To The Less Fortunate
When you are doing good things for others, you are essentially following God’s lead. And we can only do that by following God’s will which is found in the Bible. What must we do in order to be saved? By doing the will of the Father can we go to heaven. It is very common to hear people saying that they desire to live for God’s glory , but then they seem to be relatively unconcerned wether or not they are doing the will in accordance to God.
So read the Bible and strive how to follow God’s will. Do something good everyday. When you are doing good for others, you actually feel good. That is a fact. When you do good things, you make yourself happy in the process. Remember that classic adage? That “happiness is like Coke, which is something you get as a result of doing something else”. When you are too busy helping others, you tend to forget your own misery. And that is a good thing, right?
When you are able to help others, you tend to increase your self-worth. Your confidence level becomes high, hence you feel happier. Sometimes people argue that you can’t ever really do anything out of pure altruism; That because we get this pure and positive feeling, this pleasure from doing good for other people, that it somehow taints any good that we try to do. But that is not entirely true. I for one, feel happy just to see others doing good deeds for someone else. It makes me feel that there is still hope for the world. That there are still other souls capable of doing good for others. That somehow inspires us to do our share in doing good deeds. It is after all, what God wants us to do. And that’s what makes us really happy and fulfilled.
What I am trying to say is that real happiness can be felt by following God’s teaching and God’s will. That is through service for others. And it is really a true sense of unselfishness and noble act. It is in giving that we find ourselves reaching out to others.
So act now and give to charity. There are many institutions and charitable organizations that you can join or support that help others specially the needy. Do something to help. You are doing God’s will by serving others. So think about it and act now.
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