Students storm Nagpur University against fees hike
Aggrieved by exorbitant rates hike by the Nagpur University for different courses and exams, a delegation of about 100 Bharatiya Vidyarthi Sena activists stormed owned facilities on Friday. They came with a lot of demands, including reduction of taxes to be increased in the last academic session.
Inspired by the incident earlier, when the wicked NOW damaged the building, which is the heritage structure and even tried to set it on fire, the authorities have acted quickly and called the police to avoid Sitabuldi event. The situation was tense, even for the local UN as a large number of police surrounded the administration building before Maharajbagh. Many people had already gathered there to participate in another program at Nagpur University Hall of Appeal. Saffron activists raised slogans against the sudden rise in costs due to poor students were facing problems, said Bhandara MLA Narendra Bhondekar who led the delegation.
“We met the headmaster Vilas Sapkal and submitted a memorandum requirements. He responded positively and assured that the requirements will be placed before the Management Board after the UN constitution, “said Bhondekar YOU.
Their other demands included a one-off payment of all examinations, as complementary, and also the assessment fee and return to them, who had managed to revaluation reserve / retotalling. “It’s not the fault of the students. If the UN auditors make mistakes because the innocent suffer and the students money to pay for their guilt? This hard-earned money should be returned to students within 15 days,” said another activist Nilesh Helonde.
They also stressed fee waiver for children of farmers whose fathers have committed suicide because of mounting debts and crop failure. “Vidarbha had seen maximum number of suicides of farmers and the UN should take the initiative to help poor children to take courses free of charge,” said Bhondekar.
The activists brought the plight of children affected individuals notification of the proposed VC (breasts) Gosikhurd near the dam, whose land has been purchased and demanding services like them. They pointed out that schools defy the rules for charging fees extras, which have doubled or tripled in comparison to what is mentioned in the brochure. “This type of schools that wrong must be punished,” said the activists.