Current Up-to-date Web Design Analysis
As it is the mid period of the year, everybody is trying to find and analyze the website design and website developments latest trends and outlook. Below are some of the latest trends and adoptions of major web designers and web developers while building a website.
1] Static Design is out of fashion: The coding of website is experiencing a very creative change with more functionality and interactivity like first designers used to use HTML and CSS which is now replaced with JavaScript, AJAX and JQUERY. People love Flash and its functionalities as well as quality but most of them have fear of using it actually because of which its usability is being decreased overall. To overcome this problem, coding scripts which are creative are being used instead of using Flash outputting same effects.
2] Rise in use of Grids, Mobile and Retro Designs: Grid designs are mostly used in designing a company portfolio or in the promotion pages of the products. They are used very rarely for corporate and business sites. These types of one page designs add interactivity to the website and simplify only the prominent things for the visitors limiting their search confusions.
3] Equal performance on all Browsers: Nowadays, there are various browsers available and so with the growth of web browsers you never know that which browser is being or will be used by your users. Because of this a web designer need to create a design that equally matches to the rules of all the browsers which include Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and Opera.
4] Development of Interactive Websites: Because of the development and popularity of certain social networking websites like Facebook and Twitter, web designers now focus more in developing websites which is highly interactive, informative and provide users the chance of participating too.
5] Easy Navigation: To improve the usability and user-friendliness, the websites which are having more interactive and communicative designs are being created. Nowadays, the websites that can be easily navigated and browsed by majority of the users are given more importance. One way to make the website more responsive and interactive is through “keypress navigation” which is worldwide not accepted much yet.
6] Strong Typography: The typography which plays very important role in web designing should be strong and rich at the same time. Bold, strong and heavy headlines can help convey more easily the purpose of an e-commerce website or a portfolio, while subtler headings help in structuring content and improve legibility. The latest trends in typography is much more richer and more versatile like oversized logos are used on oversized header and footer, then most web designers extend their font stacks, adding increasingly more fall back fonts if some specific fonts are not available.
7] More of Personalization: As the web designer with knowledge of all latest trends, he should look for more ways for attracting users and prospects to their website to generate more potential clients through online business. Personalization is coming up as an important component of managing the web experience for website visitors and delivering business value.