Quotes About Being Afraid of Love
“At first I was afraid to meet you, then I was afraid to kiss you, then I was afraid to love you, now I’m afraid to lose you”. Well said by one of the prominent author. In this afraid to love quotes thought or sayings the authors is trying to express fear and mixed feelings before and after falling in love. At some point many people are ditched by their loved one so they fear to accept love once again in life.
You must understand that love is immense sensation which takes one on the top of the world and the beautiful quotes about being afraid of love will inspire you to care your loved one with happiness. The great words of the author will be remembered forever and they become remarkable tool for spicing up your love relationships. Though these love quotes and sayings sound simple, but they are able to create a deep sense of love that goes beyond words and touches your lover’s heart deeply.
“You’re not afraid of love. You’re just afraid of not being loved back”. Such great quotes about being afraid of lovehelp one to encourage so that you become able to express you love feeling to their loved one. Also these quotes help you to come up from the feeling of lost love and inspire you to accept to do love once again in life.
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