Undisputable Facts About Herpes Simplex Virus and More In This Article

The term herpes was originally derived from the ancient Greek language which means to “creep”. Herpes simplex virus is a viral infection that causes painful blister and inflammation on the skin, mucous membrane of the mouth or genital of human. This virus is closely related to the virus that causes chicken pox, Epstein barr virus, shingles and mononucleosis. If you truly want to know the undisputable fact about herpes simplex virus, then read the remaining article for all the information you need.
This virus is highly infectious and usually spread through air, skin to skin contact with an infected person or intercourse. The virus is present in the body fluid of an infected people like the saliva, semen and vaginal fluid. Societies where kissing is almost like a culture tends to suffer most from this disease mainly because the virus can be found in the saliva and passed on easily during intimate kissing. About 200 decades ago, roman emperor Tiberius reportedly banned kissing in public places because the number of people reported to have contracted the disease was growing at an alarming rate. Since this virus was first discovered in 1906, over 100 million men and women have been infected worldwide and the number is still growing.
The actual symptoms of herpes simplex virus are lesions, itching, headache, fever blisters and other minor signs. Normally, the symptoms of this disease start to manifest in about two to twenty days after initial infection. However, not everyone infected with this virus shows the symptom and this have made it quite challenging to know when a person is carrying this virus.
After the symptoms of this ailment, the virus often goes into an inactive stage for a while and resurfaces infrequently. The extent and severity of the outbreak is determined by the strength of the infected person. Mothers are advised to protect their infant from highly contagious disease like this because their immune system is not yet strong to combat the ailment.
The predominant areas where this virus affects on the human body are the face, mouth, tongue, ear, genital and others. When this disease affects people around the facial area it is often called herpes simplex 1 while herpes simplex 2 affects the genital and buttocks. This disease is usually spread through the lips or vaginal fluid, therefore to avoid contracting this disease there is need to watch whom you associate with.
At the moment, there isn’t any drug that can completely wipe out this virus other than to control it. There are available treatments like Acyclovir and others that can be useful to control this ailment. For better accessible treatment, infected people can visit their doctors for proper medication. Eating balanced diet and exercising is certainly a good way keep the immune system strong and resist severe outbreak.
However, it is imperative for people living with herpes simplex virus to know that this is not the end of the world. Many companies and scientist are currently working hard to find a lasting solution to this problem. Infected people can also find partners by visiting herpes simplex virus dating sites.

To Know Exactly How this Virus Affect Ladies Check Out Genital Herpes In Women for More Info. At Herpes Zoster Is Where You Are Sure of Finding Appropriate Fact On Epstein Barr Virus Another Family of Herpes.

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