Solar Cells manufacturer
If you take a look at the front facing side of your cells, the blue side is the negative (-) side with 2 white bus bars. Behind the PV cells is the positive (+) side with 6 square white bus wires. To start the connection of the Solar Cells manufacturer, you get the tabbing wire and cut in 6″ lengths and then using a soldering iron, solder the tabbing wire onto the negative side or blue side of the wafer. The PV cell has two bus bars, so you must tab both the bus bars with the tabbing wire.
The Manufacturers use three basic forms of panels which function in the same basic way, with minor differences. Let us study the various forms of solar panels we use in diverse ways the world today. Man has developed various solutions to harness natural energy resources over the years. One of the most multi-faced and diverse solutions are those that come from solar product manufacturers. The sun is a constant generator of energy.
House Solar panels are utilized to generate the solar power electricity and it also reduces the utility bills which will save your capital. These panels are used to boost the existing requirements of the house. It is employed to light the solar power through which you persons can decrease the quantity of electrical energy. The energy used by the house solar panels are 850KW per hour. People have to follow certain guidelines and actions to minimize the monthly electric bill.