Tips for an Exciting Brochure Mailing
Mailers are a great way of telling people that you have some new products. But while the intention of your direct mail brochures is only to inform people of your new products, it would also be a good time to tell them of your promos and freebies. To get your potential clients more interested in your brochure mailing, include some coupons that they can use to get a discount or redeem items. That should really get them excited.
Below are some tips to make your direct mail brochures exciting and attractive to anyone who gets hold of it.
Cover Layout. The front cover of your brochure is the first thing that people see when they hold it. The second thing is the back cover. If they are interested or not, they will still flip the material to see what is printed at the back. But if the covers are already uninteresting, you can count on them to put it away without reading the inside pages. The front cover should scream at your readers “Read me!” It tells them to pick up the brochure and read the contents. The layout can be simple but it depicts the summary of your message in the entire brochure. It has a headline plus maybe a tagline and an image that will attract people.
Discount Coupons. Let us face it—people want to be able to get some savings out of everything. They want to benefit from buying something. So if you offer discount coupons that they can use, they will be very happy to receive your brochures and make a purchase. Give them an offer that is only available to them. That means the coupons must be cut out and presented to the store in order to avail of the discounts. Or you can include a promo code in the coupon. Like if they phone in their orders, they can mention the code and be charged only with the discounted rate. Since most coupons are located inside the brochure, make an announcement on the front cover about the deals you are offering.
Exclusive Freebies. If you are a consumer store with outlets in the area, encourage the customers to read your brochure and to take it with them shopping by including a redeemable coupon there. They do not have to cut it out but they have to bring the brochure and present it to the store. Then they could redeem freebies that are exclusive to those who have brought their copies. These will then be stamped redeemed so that they can only make a claim once.
Customized Envelopes. Not too many companies give a thought on how their mailers get to their target market. Sometimes these are crumpled or just plain uninteresting because they are contained in an ordinary business envelope. But if you have matching envelopes printed that speak the same message as your brochure, you have better chances of your readers opening up their mail.
You have invested so much money in your printing and brochure mailing. If they do not bring in sales, then that means it is a lost investment. But when used properly, direct mail brochures will successfully inform people of your products and will move them to make a decision—and that is to make a purchase. If that is what you want, then make your brochure interesting!