Sole F80 – Try it to believe it

Sole f80 is one of the best models of sole treadmills. Sole has produced quality treadmills for more than 20 years and still their name is growing, it is the most renowned brand in treadmill market and the best sole product know to people is Sole F80. Here few facts about Sole treadmills are described.

Sole uses commercial parts like industrial size motors For all its models of treadmills, heavy duty flywheels and large 2.75 rollers, copper ground wires for each roller to reduce static and all steel welded frames. The flywheels cause the motor to run cooler and help to extend the life of the motor. This tougher construction makes Sole treadmills an ideal for professional and athletic runners. If anyone is looking for a commercial quality treadmill should go for Sole F80 because the user will get a guaranteed best quality commercial treadmill with the price tag of $1500.

Sole uses cushion flex for their F80 treadmill model. Cushion flex is the solution for cushioning which reduces Joint impact by 40% specially in knees to minimize injuries probability. Treadmill cushioning is considered highly important as poor cushioning in treadmills can damage different joint of a body part such as back, hips, knees and ankles.  As Sole uses this best Cushion flex in the Sole F80, this cushion flex is the best cushioning system in the market.

Sole F80 is very strong and can take heavy weights on, for runners and heavy users this is good news. This treadmill can carry heavy weights and will not break down. If you are looking for folding treadmills, Sole F80 is one of the best folding treadmills available in the market and this is why it was chosen as best buy winner by treadmill doctor.

A folding treadmill like this saves space as well as it is highly stable than other folding treadmills, the secret behind producing this best folding treadmill is that Sole uses a special double horseshoe folding frame in their folding Sole treadmill units. This frame creates all the difference between Sole and other brands. So now if anybody wants to have a great folding treadmill they can have this treadmill without compromising space and stability.

Sole F80 is one of the strongest treadmills out there; it has everything starting from superb quality look, commercial quality performance and longer warranty. It also has best cushioning system and best folding frame in the market. If any potential buyer compares this with any other brand out there possibly this treadmill will beat every treadmill out there.

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