Components and Accessories Included in Strobe Light Kits
Strobe light kits are useful accessories not just for cop cars and other emergency vehicles, but also for other civilian vehicles that need reliable lighting solutions at affordable costs. These kits contain other accessories in addition to the lights, which contribute towards increasing the functionality of the lights.
Strobe light kitscomprise of a large number of accessories and spare parts which vary based on the design of the strobes. Strobes vary a lot in their design although their main functionality is always to provide bright and efficient lighting. Some have low profile design while others have high profile design. Some strobes are in the form of bars while others are in the form of beacons. There are linear LED strobes as well as rotating strobes for 360-degree visibility. The optics used also varies from one kit to another. The mounting options differ based on the customer’s preferences.
Strobe light kitsmay or may not include a 12V DC power supply. This depends on whether there is a built-in power supply or not. Replacement strobes too are sometimes present in the kit while in some cases they have to be purchased separately. The strobe tubes are available in a wide selection of colors, including red, green, blue and amber. Apart from strobe tubes, there are cables and connectors that are present in the kit as well. You can find headlight strobe tubes which come with flange bases. Interconnect wires are provided in some cases to synchronize the phases and flashing of the various strobe lights.
Strobe light kitsinclude metal branch guards in case 4-inch or 6-inch domes are used. Dust covers are also available although one has to make sure they are compliant with California Title 13 certified standards. Apart from replacement strobe tubes, other replacement parts include replacement domes and replacement bases. The base is usually of black polycarbonate or die cast aluminum. One can also purchase replacement circuit boards which vary based on the power wattage rating.
Strobe light kitsalso include strobe inserts and Helix strobe tubes which have a specific power rating. There are specific screws and wires available as well for precision alignment. For undercover lighting requirements surface mount bezels are also provided as part of the kits. Mounting hardware is an important part of the kit. There are magnetic mounting options as well as flat pipe mounting options. Other mounting accessories include clamps, brackets, bolts and even stainless steel straps depending upon the requirement and convenience of installing. The kit also includes shielded cables and cigar plug adapters based on customer’s preferences. These lights are required for operating the lights and also selecting and locking the flash patterns.
There is a wide selection of strobe cables present in strobe light kits. You will find 5-inch, 10-inch, 20 and 30 inch cables for various requirements. You will also find a strobe connector kit which includes standard Amp 3-pin connector. Apart from that, there will be male and female pins and plastic housings. There will be polycarbonate replacement lenses as well. There are quite a few varieties of lenses including extreme angle lenses, smooth clear lenses, vertical impact and side impact lenses. Reflectors, diamond mirrors and inner color filters are also used from time to time to enhance the efficiency of the lights to a great extent.
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Strobe Light Kits and many other items like Flashlights, Deck Lights, police lights, etc. Please visit the site for more details of various items available – Extreme Tactical Dynamics