Breaking Bad Series–Amazing!
Ambiguity has always been one of “Breaking Bad’s” secret tools. The show never tells the audience more than it absolutely needs to know, and that increases the sense of mystery and excitement surrounding much of what happens. But as we head into next week’s finale, we’ve got one of the biggest mysteries the show’s ever tossed our way: Who poisoned Brock (if, indeed, Brock was even poisoned)? And everything that happens next week hinges on the answer to this particular question, I assume, so let’s take a look at our suspects. Obviously, the characters in “Breaking Bad” don’t belong to an obscure religious sect, and they’re not constantly talking about God’s will for them, but in this series, it’s obvious that they feel the end of days has finally arrived, that the apocalypse has come to claim all of them. When Skyler and Walt Jr., are over at Hank and Marie’s house, the series really takes on that end of the world type feel, the sense that all of these people are hunkered down, just waiting for the end to come. When Skyler steps out onto the deck, it’s easy to expect someone will take a shot at her from just over the hill.
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