The Hit TV Series Weeds From Showtime Reviewed
For the last ten years, there’s been a defining trend in fictional television: Realism. It started with reality television and influenced fictional television before long like Sopranos, and Weeds is definitely one of the funniest in this trend, and certainly belongs on your downloads queue the next time you pay a visit to your tv and movie download service.
The realism trend probably began with shows like Survivor. See, for a time, TV shows were becoming incredibly predictable. You always knew exactly what was gonna happen, you knew every punchline to every joke, it was just the same old stuff time and again, and people just didn’t care anymore. It wasn’t hard for shows like Survivor and Top Chef to steal viewers away by the thousands.
Reality television really changed things and it became clear that fictional television had to adapt to survive, as people had come to prefer the realism of those reality shows. Even if reality television can be artless, crass, and not as real as it pretends to be, it remains a fact that it showed real human emotion and unpredictable situations.
Anyways, after the revolution of reality TV, people like David Chase took the hint. Chase’s Sopranos started a new wave in fictional television: Take the realism of reality TV and mix it with the strong storytelling of fictional television, and you have a show that is literally the best of both worlds. The Sopranos led to similar shows like LOST, House MD, and, of course, Weeds.
Weeds follows the same trend and utilizes a great concept: Suburban single mom runs a massive marijuana selling empire. You get an equal mix of great stoner humor, crime storytelling and family drama, and it’s always funny.
The show is both real and funny, and full of great characters like The Candyman, actually a woman, a fitness nut who runs a bakery and refuses to sell to anyone who won’t promise to exercise regularly to burn off the fat they get from her delicious cupcakes and brownies.
When you watch the show, you have two big plot threads to root on: First of all, she has to keep her family in order and make sure her children are safe and happy, and secondly, she wants to keep building her weed empire to eventually become the primary provider of primo stuff in her sprawling suburban community.
The show is quite addictive, of course. It’s structured as such that each episode is only a chapter and each season is really a self contained story, so download a full season at a time and be ready to spend several hours a night catching up on what happens next. Don’t worry, it’s an incredibly rewarding show and each season is well worth the time it takes to sit down and watch it all in one or two sittings, just be fore warned that you WILL be sitting there watching half a season or a full season every single time you want to watch a single episode. Think of it like Lays potato chips: Betcha can’t have just one.
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