Oak Bookcases Getting booked for life
Oak bookcasesprovide the right storage solutions for books. These bookcases are not just durable, sturdy and long lasting, they also add to the aesthetic appeal of the room they are placed in.
Books are your friends for life. From bedtime fables and fairy tales in childhood to wizards and vampires in teenage, they grip you young and watch you grow! Then you move on to romances and graduate to classics. Like true friends, books do not think for you but they make you think! After your turn, books befriend your children, without the slightest hint of a generation gap. Is it not your duty to then show your books the same care and concern? What better way to express your appreciation than to house them in the finest houses! Place them in the finest bookcases – talking of finest, they do not get any better than bookcases made of solid oak. Give your books the gift of a lifetime – oak bookcases!
It is believed that long before the age of oak, bookcases made of walnut wood adorned many a living space. But with increasing demand (remember it was the pre-internet era), the world ran low on walnut wood, driving up the prices. The ubiquitous nature of oak trees then provided a more affordable option and along came oak bookcases. Like all other things oak, this furnishing trend was also here to stay and has been the norm ever since. Bookcases made of oak are built to last without showing the strain! Their strength and character is evident even to the untrained eye. The versatility of oak as a raw material in the manufacture of furniture makes it adaptable to the construction of the traditional, grand bookcases and their slimmer, sleeker and more contemporary counterparts. These bookcases are hence as much at home in a Victorian style mansion as in a modern apartment.
Sturdiness and longevity apart, Oak bookcaseshave great personality and elegance and impart their aura to the spaces around them. They are equally impressive, whether as shelved bookcase units or even standalone, corner book stands. Shelving may be fixed or movable to adapt to stacking of books of different heights. Bookcases fashioned from oak can also be placed below a display unit or as a covered side stand, holding books. A revolving, glass shuttered book case made of oak with spot lights can be the piece de resistance of many a furniture ensemble. The natural grain of oak is characteristic and you will be well advised to not tamper with the same. If ever, other pieces of the furniture collection may be stained or veneered to match the bookcase because imitation is the best form of flattery.
But like all things precious, your Oak bookcasescould do with a little TLC – tender, loving care. For day to day care, thorough dusting with a soft cloth should do the trick. For special care, varnishing under expert supervision is recommended. Keep the unit out of the midday sun and away from moisture. Keep the children away from the bookcase to avoid accidental spills and scratches. Your children should inherit not just your all time classics but also the wonderful case that holds them – remember form is temporary, class is permanent.
Enhance your Living room with excellent
Oak bookcases – Visit our site – http://www.furnishinghomes.co.uk/ for the full catalog of furniture for every room in your home and visit our Blog too – http://www.furnishinghomes.co.uk/blog/