What is a digital signature and how it works?

Many of us want to know what is a digital signature can do for a business. There are so many things which can be discussed along with understanding of digital signature. We will talk about the facilities which are provided by digital signature to its users.

Digital signature is a type of application which is used by business owners to sign a digital document, it is some how similar to your hand written signature. Digital signature is used for the maintenance of secure transactions in e business. We are using computers for all types of business related transactions, and internet is vastly used by us for management of data with the help of online tools. The day’s gone away when paper based transactions were regarded as the best method for any business deal. Everything has become digital now, and it is making our lives more comfortable and free from worries.

We can sign an agreement with the help of digital signature; it is quite helpful to achieve a high level of security for all types of data transfer. Digital signature can be purchased from authentic companies assigned by government of respective countries. Users faced lots of problems in early days of development of this technique, as it was not treated as a valid method by authorities. If you are purchasing any product with the help of online shop, or providing any services to the clients, everything can be signed with the help of digital signature.

Another query for digital signatures is; how to get a digital signature? And I have got the answer to this; you can buy your digital signature from any certified authority online. You can purchase digital signatures from verified companies, government of countries has assigned certificate to different companies for distribution of digital signatures. You have to follow simple procedure for buying digital signatures.

For validation of a digital signature, you will need a trusted digital certificate which is provided with a set of keys. Digital certificate is just like your driving license which denotes your identity. You will get a set of keys which are used for authenticity of your digital signatures.

Private Key

Private Key is a set of data which is provided to the users for validation of their signatures. Private word itself tells its significance, a user never share this information with anyone. If your private key has been leaked then any other person can use that key for validation of digital signature and you will loose ability to sign a document. Private Key can be misused by people, as they can use private key to sign a document with your digital signatures.

Public Key

Public key is a set of information which is provided to the receiver of the document; for validation of your signature. If private key and public key does not match than your digital signatures can not be validated.

About: – Esign is an act which is passed by legal authorities, and it states that a digital signature should be treated as a hand written signatures. If a person signs a document electronically, then these signatures will get the same authenticity as hand written signatures.

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