How Speeding Tickets Don’t Have to Affect Your Insurance Rates
Busted – you just got caught for speeding in Ontario and have been charged with a hefty fine. Are you worried about how your speeding ticket will increase your car insurance rates? You may not have to be because it all depends on your insurance company.
If you’re lucky enough, your insurer will not increase your insurance premiums, especially if you’ve been pretty good with your driving so far and have an otherwise clean record. While every automobile insurer has different policies regarding their rate increases in relation to moving violations (i.e. speeding tickets, careless driving or driving while suspended), they’ll generally be more understanding if you have a clean driving record up to that point.
But now is the hard part – is it better for you to fight the ticket or just pay it?
Fighting Your Speeding Ticket
If you’ve decided to fight your speeding ticket at traffic court, then your best bet is to do it with the assistance of a licensed Ontario Paralegal or lawyer. This is your best defense. They have the professional experience to use their knowledge of the Ontario Traffic Court system and Highway Traffic Act to represent your best interests. Your chances of reducing your demerit points and even beating a traffic ticket completely dramatically improve than when you just do it yourself, since they have the education, training and experience you don’t have to work the system. So, it’s better to fight your speeding ticket since you at least have the chance of not being charged at all, leaving your insurance company totally out of the picture.
There are 3 classifications that Ontario Traffic Tickets are divided into, according to the severity of the conviction. They are minor, major and serious, and this last category may also include criminal acts. However, please note that regardless of the classification of your speeding ticket and resulting demerit points, any conviction can affect your insurance rates. Speeding is considered a minor offense, but anything else that you’ve committed while speeding may be major and serious/criminal, such as false statement of insurance and racing.
Click here for more information about Speeding Tickets Toronto.