Colon Cleansing Home Remedies – Fasting and Juice Therapy
Colon damage is simply a means of autointoxication, where the food in the intestines decomposes, and the toxins caused thereby enter the body via the circulatory system, resulting in fever and pus, which can be fatal. The body is unable to get rid of its waste products, and this gradually damages the lining of the intestines. Symptoms include loss of appetite, headache, irritability and tiredness. Non-cleaning the colon causes constipation, leading to gas formation and bloating of the stomach. It further leads to headache and uneasiness.
There are several colon cleansing home remedies, which are easy and inexpensive and do not require great intelligence or skill, but are sure to give relief before the problem becomes acute.
A total juice therapy is an idyllic thing for cleansing of the colon. Extracts of various fruits and vegetables consumed separately or in combination with other fruits, cleanses and refreshes the colon completely. The walls of the intestine are healthier and firmer, and the healthy tissues are rebuilt again.
Total fasting with a diet of lemonade for 8-10 days rids the system of all impurities, mucus and dead cells, as it flushes out all the waste. The person becomes slimmer and energetic too. Drinking lukewarm water throughout the day helps in flushing out the toxins from the body.
It is best to always consume a healthy diet and eat at regular intervals, thus enabling regular bowel movements and keeping the colon free of impurities. Including omega 3 acids, fish oil and flax seed oil in the food keeps the digestive system healthy.
Enema with a home cleansing kit is the safest and the most effective of all colon cleansing home remedies. Fecal matter that has gradually become hard inside the walls of the colon becomes soft, and slowly passes out of the colon with enema. This home remedy has been used for years and generations and is still the easiest and the most inexpensive one.
Some colon cleansing supplements are available over the counter in the market, and can easily be bought for consumption, to get relief for the colon
Certain laxatives like psyllium husk and cascara sagrada can be consumed to cleanse the colon too. Also, consuming herbal tea is one of the most excellent colon cleansing home remedies.
Again, soups and light foods rich in fiber go a long way in cleansing the colon and keeping the body healthy, thus keeping away most of the ailments resulting from faulty and unhealthy food.
Substituting brown rice for white rice is a good option. Again, ordinary food cooked in olive oil is far healthier than junk food like burgers and French Fries. Foods like whole grain, nuts and fruits are recommended as they are rich in fiber. Vegetables like cabbage and peas too contain fiber. Spinach and broccoli contain chlorophyll, and are colon cleansers too, that flush out the accumulated wastes and toxins. They contain roughage and tone up the intestines.
Avoiding caffeine, fatty foods and sugars prevents a person from the risk of colon cancer to a great extent.
Read about Home Remedies for Colon Cleansing. Also know powerful Home Remedies for Jock Itch.