Herbal Remedies For Thyroid Treating This Condition Naturally
Thyroid gland is a small mass of the tissue which is present on the either side of the wind pipe. This structure is very important and helps in the metabolism of the body. When the metabolism in the body is below normal in any person then he or she may suffer from the certain problems like feeling more cold, dryness of the skin, constipation and tendency to gain weight. There are two types of thyroid.
1. Hyperhyroid – In this condition person loses weight gradually as the thyroid is over active.
2. Hypothyroid – In this condition person gradually gains weight as the thyroid is under productive.
Nowadays thousands and thousands of people are getting affected by the problem of thyroid. This condition may be the result of hectic lifestyles, lack of nutrients in the soil and many other reasons.
When thyroid is not working properly in our body that means either body is not producing or over producing certain hormones due to any reason then it results into certain imbalances in our body. You can treat this condition or some of these imbalances or complication with the help of herbal remedies for thyroid. Some of the important home as well as herbal remedies for thyroid are:
1. Ashwagandha root: This root is classified as a Rasayana herb. This herb is very much effective for stimulating the thyroid gland. It also boosts our general health and aids longevity.
2. Bladderwrack (kelp): It is seaweed which contains significant amount of iodine and this herb is responsible for stimulating your thyroid gland.
3. Cayenne: Use of this herb is an effective herbal remedy for thyroid. It also acts as a catalyst especially for the other herbal remedies for thyroid. It boosts our metabolism and also increases our energy levels.
4. You can also drink lots of hot ginger tea.
5. Intake of lots of fresh fruits and vegetables are very much effective in treating this condition.
6. You must avoid dairy as well as wheat products.
7. Salty foods should also be avoided.
Some different exercises are also recommended for treating this condition of thyroid. Usually the people suffering the problem of thyroid suffer from the problem of constipation. So in order to avoid the condition of constipation you can make use of this ayurvedic composition Triphala. It is an effective herbal remedy for treating constipation and with no side effects. Proper diet is essential for treating this condition of thyroid. These are some natural remedies you can try to reduce the symptoms of thyroid problem naturally.
Read about Home Remedies for Thyroid Disease. Also know powerful Home Remedies for Hypothyroidism.