What roll bearings are?
The concept of roller bearings can be traced all the way back to the Roman Empire, but many sources credit Leonardo Da Vinci with the first practical designs. It wasn’t until 1791, however, when an Welsh carriage maker and inventor named Philip Vaughan patented the first axle assembly to use ball bearings. Previous carriage axles would eventually wear out from the effects of friction, but Vaughan’s use of ball bearings eliminated the direct contact between the drive shaft and axle.
An example can be demonstrated with a large block of wood that is pulled across the ground. The block is heavy, drags, and takes considerable effort and time to move. If the block is put on top of a group of metal pipes and pulled again, the block can be moved more easily because the friction has been reduced and the pipes are in constant motion.
The average steel SKF Bearingsconsist of a series of tiny metal balls set between two metal rings or cylinders. The steel ball bearing serves as a connector between two metal objects. These bearings are lubricated so they roll smoothly between the inner and outer metal rings, and also between the objects they are connecting. The freely-rolling balls help to reduce friction between the metal objects, which can improve performance in many applications. By minimizing friction, a steel ball bearing also reduces wear between two pieces of metal, which can reduce maintenance requirements and extend the like of the objects.