Learning About The New Chinese Marriage Law That Favors Men
Traditionally, Chinese marriage laws have been more or less in favor of the females of the community, especially in financial terms. In fact, a major reason for Chinese girls being considered as gold diggers by western females was the provision under the marriage laws in this country, which allowed a female to marry a man for his wealth and then conveniently divorce him after some time. This enabled the women to claim a right over half the assets of her husbands, without even losing face in the society.
Thanks to this law, numerous Chinese women choose to marry wealthy men irrespective of them being least compatible in every manner. According to Chinese marriage law, there was nothing wrong in a woman choosing a life partner solely on the basis of his financial background, so as to improve her own financial standing or even to upgrade her own social status. This law also considered it perfectly right for the woman to seek divorce from such a husband at any time after the marriage. Strangely, the Chinese society also did not look down upon such women who married purely with the intention of making financial gains, despite the fact that it caused great distress to numerous men.
However, now the Chinese government has decided to modify this law significantly in favor of men so as to ensure that women do not desecrate the piousness of Chinese marriage for selfish purposes. According to the new law, a woman seeking a divorce from her husband does not have any right over the house purchased by her husband, irrespective of the reasons for divorce. This almost overturns the earlier provision, where in case of a divorce, the house was automatically granted to the wife. This new law has definitely brought a grin on the faces of the men who are traditionally expected to buy a house before they can marry.
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