8 Ways to a Healthy Lifestyle

When we are making some resolution, we often make a big goal like quit smoking in 2 months time, or lose 20 pound in 8 weeks.  However, it is easier to achieve the goal if we are taking one step a time. Instead of quit smoking immediately, reduce from 1 pack per day to half in 2 weeks time. Once achieve the goal can be set to reduce further.

 A best way to change or correct our lifestyle is through a gradual change. We take a small step every time. With slight improvement every time, we adapt to the new habit. By the time you realize, you already reach your goal.

Here are some tips if you like to make a change to a more healthy life.

Watch your weight.

As time passes by, our metabolism rate is decreasing. If we do not change our lifestyle or eating habit, we are likely to gain weight over the years. 1 or 2 pounds in 1 year may not be significant but after 10 years, it will be very hard to get rid of 20 pound of extra weight.

Exercise regularly

When we exercise we burn off all the excessive fat and cholesterol. Exercise is also a way to increase the metabolism rate and stimulate our system to regenerate and rebuild the muscle. For those who exercise regularly, the risk for cardiovascular diseases are reduces greatly compare to those who doesn’t exercise at all.

Take you breakfast

Breakfast is very important to start our day. Our metabolism rate will be low until we have our breakfast. You will feel more energetic if you have a good breakfast. Only coffee as breakfast is not a good choice. A good breakfast must at least have some proteins and carbohydrates. Bread, fruits and cereal with milk can be a good choice.

Take 1 potion of grain each day

Grains help a lot to reduce the risk of cardiovascular and many other diseases.

Take at least 1 portion of green salad each day

We all know that green vegetables are good for us. 1 portion of green salad per day is the minimum we should have for adult. If possible try to have more than 1 portion.

Low fat diet always.

Fat is not always the devil in our diet. We must have certain amount of fat in our food not only for the taste but also the health. However we should watch the type of fat that we eat. The unsaturated fat from nuts and vegetable are okay or even good for our health. Choose what you eat wisely.

Have some calcium every day.

Calcium is also important to maintain our bone density. So, have some supplement everyday will definitely helps.

Use smaller bowl every time

This helps to cut down the portion you eat. Most of the Japanese are slim because of the portion of their food is small. It doesn’t mean that you have to starve yourself; you can always have more small meal per day. In fact it is more beneficial for us if we eat small portion but regularly.

All of these habits are beneficial to us if we practice it every day for long term.  Set a goal for yourself and start working on it now.

Joanne Faye, a researcher who believe that a healthy life is a better life. If you like this article, please visit Kitchenaid Pro 600.

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