What Makes an Effective Leader at Workplace?
The extent of growth and success of an organization depends on effective leadership of the managers or other key employees. Leadership is not just managing things. It is actually doing right things at the right time in a right way. Being a good manager is, therefore, different from being a good leader. However, managing with effective leadership is important. This article helps managers to know what makes an effective leader at workplace.
Qualities of a good leader
A manager should possess distinct leadership qualities to motivate and develop subordinates. This is very much essential to promote a proper work environment. Here are some qualities of a good leader:
Good team player
A good leader is always a good team player. Successful implementation of a project is possible only through collaborative or team work. As an effective team player, a good leader knows strengths and weaknesses of the team members. He will have the competency to organize and assign the work properly among the group. In addition, the leader contributes to build a successful team and represents self on behalf of the group. The leader will not only try for excellence in team performance, but also encourages and rewards the members for their contribution.
Stand up for his beliefs
It is often difficult to stand at one’s beliefs when working with a group of people. Many undesirable situations may arise at workplace that disturbs these values and beliefs. However, a good leader does not leave his faith in such situations. He will have self-stated (or organizational) values and beliefs to solve issues at workplace. A good leader delivers whatever is promised maintaining his self-respect.
Ability to absorb challenges
Risks and challenges are common at any level of an organization. Accomplishing the task in difficult situations even under pressure is a special art of great leaders. When others fail, they win as they have the ability to absorb challenges at any time. Their desire and passion towards the work makes them ready to take the risk and finish the job.
Lead by example
True leaders do lead by example. Their conduct and actions, indeed, influence their peers in workplace. They will set and follow the established principles. This encourages team members to follow the principles. Being a right role model, they create a positive and professional work atmosphere in the organization.
Concern for the future of the organization as well as the team
Good leaders at workplace are more focused on development of the organization than their own financial benefits. They build up the vision of the company’s future and find new ways to be part of its success. They always strive to build the organization as they know that if it grows, the manager will automatically grow in his career. When it comes to his team members, a good leader knows that they are valuable resources to the company. So he supports them to perform better and grow in career.
Servant leadership
One of the most important characteristics of an effective leader at workplace is ‘servant leadership’. A dynamic leader inculcates the belief ‘To lead is to serve’ and does not wish to increase self-authority or power. His or her main attitude is to primarily serve the team and the organization. Such quality brings in valuable characteristics like trust, honesty and respect in the team members. Servant leadership stresses on moral and principled use of power. Its main purpose is to develop the growth of people in the firm and build team work.
Emotionally intelligent
Emotional intelligence is the ability to monitor and manage self-emotions at workplace. A good leader develops self-awareness, motivation, empathy, social and self-management skills to be emotionally intelligent. With such distinct behavioral characteristics, he meets the organization’s demands such as growth, challenges, glory and team spirit. It enhances the ability to take right decisions and also promotes to maintain a good relationship with the peers.
A combination of these qualities should be inculcated by a manager. With these leadership traits, a perfect leader makes sure that the following things are achieved.
Getting best out of the team members
A good leader at workplace finds ways to receive the excellent output from the team members. He sometimes involves in informal chat with the team members, but at the same time ensures that their productivity is maintained. He gives proper training to the subordinates and helps them build the required skills. He motivates the team to achieve the productivity targets of the projects.
Making the team members think through the issues
No accomplishment is successful without team work. A good leader expects opinions and suggestions from the team members. He provokes them to think through the work issues and find innovative ways to get better solutions. This not only creates interest among the team members but also promotes their skill development.
Creating broad framework in which team members can get their jobs done
A clear and effective framework is developed by a good leader to help the team members get the job perspective. He makes it easy for the team members to finish the job. He makes them think through the company’s viewpoint and encourages them to work whole heartedly for the progress of the company. He also inspires them to stretch when required.
Inculcate the above-mentioned leadership qualities to be an impressive leader at workplace.
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