Money For Mobiles? Is This Sustainable?
If you have heard of money for mobiles your first question or concern might be – is this something I can do to make money that is sustainable? Also, how much money can I actually make doing this? To be honest both of these questions have answers, but the answers are going to depend on you. This is not a corporate job where you go in at 9 and work til 5 and get paid every 2 weeks no matter what.
This would be a business that you would be doing on your own, so the amount of money you make is going to depend on how much you work and how much money you want to make from this. If you want to treat it like a normal job or you work even 20 hours a week you could essentially make a good bit of money. The average high amount you would be making on these money for mobiles site is going to be about $133 the average low is about $20. Even if you get together 20 phones and sell them to money for mobiles sites and you get $20 each for each phone, that right there is $400.
So this 4 times a month and that is $1600 – definitely something you could live off of, don’t you think? So in the end, the answer is both yes and no. These sites are sustainable and you can make a lot from money for mobiles IF you want to. And I am sure you want to, right? Pretty easy money, make your own hours, etc. The hardest part is going to be talking to people to get their phones for money for mobiles, but you could even hire someone to call people!
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