Minecraft Items ID Fire Water Wool Water

Here is some additional information and codes, on top of the Minecraft items ID list to ensure you can mod to your heart’s content. Many of these items have some basic animations or other texture variations, like color, that requires some basic coding to make use of. Here’s a quick look.


0?0 is a fresh block of fire, whether from first being created, or from spreading flames. The ‘eternal fire’ trigger will occur once a fire block reaches 0XF.


This is a simple binary; 0/negative is coal, 1/positive is charcoal.
0 Coal
1 Charcoal

Water and Lava

A full block is 0X0, but water can go up to 0X7. Lava goes up in even increments; 0X2, 0X4, and 0X6. If set to 0X8, it is “falling” liquid and spreads downward.

Nether wart

Data values for these work just like crops for sizing. It’s growth is marked by three growth stages with eh accompanying data values.
Small: 0
Medium: 1-2
Large: 3

Torches and Redstone Torches

These have a directional value, as given below.

0?1: Pointing East
0?2: Pointing West
0?3: Pointing South
0?4: Pointing North
0?5: Standing on the floor


This data is stored in block metadata for placed wool, and as the “damage” for wool in the inventory. Note that you need dyes to get colored wool, as the “/give” command only provides the default wool block with ID #35.

0 0X0 White
1 0X1 Orange
2 0X2 Magenta
3 0X3 Light Blue
4 0X4 Yellow
5 0X5 Lime
6 0X6 Pink
7 0X7 Gray
8 0X8 Light Gray
9 0X9 Cyan
10 0XA Purple
11 0XB Blue
12 0XC Brown
13 0XD Green
14 0XE Red
15 0XF Black

Dye List

0 0X0 Ink Sac
1 0X1 Rose Red
2 0X2 Cactus Green
3 0X3 Cocoa Beans
4 0X4 Lapis Lazuli
5 0X5 Purple Dye
6 0X6 Cyan Dye
7 0X7 Light Gray Dye
8 0X8 Gray Dye
9 0X9 Pink Dye
10 0XA Lime Dye
11 0XB Dandelion Yellow
12 0XC Light Blue Dye
13 0XD Magenta Dye
14 0XE Orange Dye
15 0XF Bone Meal

So take that, and do what you will with it. Minecraft Items ID #’s can be found on the homepage, and by combining those with the coding found here, you can mod the items real proper like, so make use of these codes for a pro job in your mods!

For a Complete Guide, Click On Minecraft Items ID

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