Unclaimed Money – How to Begin Your Search for Your Unclaimed Money or Property
To be able to effectively begin your search for unclaimed money or property that belongs to you it is important to gather together a few details of your own personal history. Unclaimed money leaves a trail and with the right information in hand it is easier to be successful in your search and you can save yourself time and effort. Here are a few items that should be on any checklist before you invest your time or money in the search process:
1.) List all of the states, cities and places that you have lived in during your life.
2.) List all of the states, cities and places that your parents have lived in during their life.
3.) List all of your former employers, including the dates of employment.
4.) List all of the banks where you have had checking or savings accounts or safe deposit boxes.
5.) List all of the utilities companies, heat, water, electric, cable, etc. that you have ever made payments to.
6.) List all of the Insurance companies, both home and auto, that you have used.
7.) List all of the combination of names that you might have been known as.
8.) Try to list any other information such as possible Royalty payments, stock certificates, bonds, mutual fund accounts that might have been in your name.
9.) List any old credit cards that might have had credit balances on them when they expired.
Once you have accumulated ST0-029all of this information it is now time to sit down and being the search process. Start on the state level as every state is required to have an updated database of unclaimed money owners and most states have conveniently placed this information on-line for easy searching. If you can’t find anything on the state sites, expand your search to the federal government sites. There is also the National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators which offers free information and is a good place to start a search.
By putting some time into preparing your checklist of your life’s path it will make it easier to begin your search for any unclaimed money or property that is currently owed to you. Once you are able to track down and receive any monies that are owed to you, it makes it possible to passST0-030 this information on to family and friends. Who doesn’t love it when they find that extra few dollars in a jacket pocket or stuck in a book? Receiving unclaimed money that is owed to you feels just as good if not better.