Music in Our Lives
If music be the food of love play on, said Shakespeare. For many millenia, music has been used to express emotion and to put order to chaos – from the ancient Greeks to the urban street music of today, the purpose of music has always been the same.
It’s said that you either have the gift or you don’t when it comes to music… Jimi Hendrix for example learned to play guitar on a right handed guitar even though he was left handed (so the guitar had to be played ‘upside down’ ) – this would be confusing enough for most people, but this gifted musician could play equally well with a left handed guitar, when he eventually could afford to buy one! Let’s face it – some people are born to play a musical instrument, some will only ever be able to play but not have that greatness that truly gifted musicians are. This doesn’t mean that those without that spark of genius don’t get their spot in the limelight… anyone can learn to play a guitar or keyboard if they have perserverance and the will to learn!
Children And Music
Music plays a role in the life of every human being either as an artist or a listener. It is doubtful there is a single person in this whole world who has not been soothed by the lilt of a beautiful melody. The earliest memories of a child are linked to the lullabies sung to him by his mother. As he grows older, he learns to distinguish the types of music that attracts him. Children can be introduced to playing instruments at an early age. A basic Casio keyboard is enough to begin with. There is no need to invest in expensive instruments or complicated music sheets till they learn to appreciate the instruments better.
Types Of Guitars
There are many benefits to learning to play a musical instrument. Although a piano is the most popular instrument, you could also opt to learn to play a guitar too. There are different types of guitar to choose from and a beginner would do well to begin with the all time favourite acoustic guitar. The electric guitar could be handled after you have a basic concept of playing the guitar. The electric guitar is used popularly for pop music and jazz music. The Classical guitar or Spanish guitar is best used for playing classical or melodious music.
Playing The Piano
The piano is considered an easy instrument to learn. However like all musical instruments the key to good playing ability is plenty of practice. The Casio keyboard can be used for the initial stages of learning and the player can graduate to a digital piano or ideally an acoustic one. The advantages of a Casio keyboard is its portability. Although it allows you to play most pieces of music, a skilled professional and a serious lover of music would insist on an acoustic piano.
The author writes electric guitar can be used for the initial stages of learning and the player can graduate to a digital piano or ideally an acoustic one acoustic guitar till they learn to appreciate the instruments better. For more visit us: