How to distinguish the Louis Vuitton bag
One way of differentiating a genuine Louis Vuitton bag from a fake is considering where you are buying the bag. If you buy LV bags off the streets, chances are high that you are not buying the real thing. You should therefore buy the bags from one of the many LV outlets across the world, from authorized outlets, from the company’s website, and from credible online marketplaces and stores. When buying LV purses online, note that what is shown on pictures is not always what you get. To get a credible and reliable website, consider independent reviews and customer testimonials. The website should have a good return policy that includes a money-back guarantee.Louis Vuitton Damier Ebene Canvas Pochette Accessoires Brown N51985
Another way of differentiating a genuine Louis Vuitton bag from a fake is by considering the price. Louis Vuitton is a luxury brand, meaning handbags from the fashion house do not come cheap. Alarm bells should therefore ring when you get low prices. You should do research to know what the recommended retail price of different LV bags are. The internet is the best place to do these comparisons.Louis Vuitton Damier Ebene Canvas Pochette Bosphore Brown N51111
Yet another way of telling a genuine Louis Vuitton bag from a fake is scrutinizing the bag carefully. You should scrutinize the leather stamps inside linings of different bags – knock-offs do not have wording from Louis Vuitton. You should look at such things as clasps, knobs, and buckles. Knock-offs have the designer’s name written or embossed while genuine LV purses or handbags are imprinted. In the real thing, the stitching on the inside and the outside is straight and the same colour as the purses. You should scrutinize the bags for obvious design flaws – genuine bags are thoroughly checked before they are sold and contain no design flaws.