IGNOU enlarge presence in Maharashtra
With a modest beginning of only 10 training centers, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), Regional Centre, Nagpur has now expanded its activities in 45 locations in 14 districts of Maharashtra, in a short span of two years.
Launched in April 2009, IGNOU covers 11 districts of Vidarbha region and three districts of Nanded, Parbhani and Hingol in the Marathwada region.
Unbundled Regional Centre in Pune to Nagpur Centre has been entrusted with the responsibility to provide better access to IGNOU Program, but also develop programs tailored to regional needs. Approximately 6,000 students are enrolled in the academic year 2011-12.
In addition to degree and diploma is IGNOU to offer doctoral programs in 38 disciplines. Graduate method includes a process chain intensive, Regional Director, Dr P. Sivaswaroop said.
Talking to PTI, said about 500 schools and regular university colleges active IGNOU social studies in Nagpur and Amravati central prisons and offers curriculum studies and an MA in Sociology and English.
Dr Sivaswaroop a doctorate in chemical state of Andhra Pradesh, said that in addition to academic and professional courses, IGNOU has been to develop vocational skills certification courses for prisoners to shape their own future after their release.
Four courses of the certificate in Nagpur Central Jail including carpentry, welding, cooking and dressing have been introduced.
As much as 70 prisoners (including women prisoners) subject to the prison by taking these courses. These prisoners were exempt from paying their studies in which the IGNOU study material is provided free of charge except for examination fees and costs of exploration.
Dr Sivaswaroop said IGNOU offered courses in agriculture and veterinary science, and also computers outside of journalism.
Source: thehindubusinessline