FAQ About Emini Day Trading

## Just what is this emini day trading?

Emini day trading involves a mini contract that is only traded daily on an electronic platform.

## I’ve heard that the majority of people fail when they attempt trading. Is this true?

Definitely. There are two main reasons for this, when it comes to day trading. One is the lack of systems — people who don’t have a strong methodology quickly get lost. Second, it takes mental toughness, which doesn’t come cheap. Traders who know what they’re doing also know how to take advantage of both of these things.

Traders experience a wide gamut of emotions such as fear, greed, and shame, which impact the effectiveness of their progress. You need to be able to understand and master these emotions, so as not to be ruled by them. When this control is managed by a strong emini day trading system, you do have the opportunity to have success.

## I know that people make money when the markets go up. What about when the markets go down?

The issue isn’t really about the direction of the market, because you have the opportunity, when trading futures, to trade long or short positions. Basically, these are like bets you’re placing on the future price of a stock — so if the stock hews to the direction you predicted, and that direction happens to go down, you’ll make money on a falling market.

## How do these demo accounts I’ve heard about work?

Demo accounts are made so that you can try your hand at the fluctuations in the market and see what day trading is like before you start using real money. They’re similar to the stock simluations that you might have done in high school or university, except they now tie into all the major results of the day and let you get updates in real-time.

## How long will it take me to make money?

It’s a very typical question and it’s got a rather mundane answer — people make money at different rates. The one constant in terms of the people who don’t _lose_ very much money is that they put a serious amount of time into their demo account, figuring out how to actually do every aspect of day trading, and when they begin, they acknowledge that things won’t be a cakewalk at first, thus allowing them to ease into the profession and future career in a realistic way.

Get the whole scoop on emini day trading here, and why you shouldn’t rush into it but seek a mentor’s help and emini day trading course at Learn-to-trade-and-invest.com.

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