Tips that help on breast implant shapes
There are so many patients that are unhappy with the end results with the breast implant shapes. It is a best thing to do to have an honest dialogue with her plastic surgeon to have a clear idea and expectation of the type of the breast implant models, sizes and shapes before they undergo the said augmentation. It is highly commended to consider these necessary factors to avoid frustration and depression after the operation. The unsatisfactory outcome of the procedure could lead also to a surgery revision which will affix to additional surgical complications and risks. The patient must completely informed the surgeon her choice before the surgery and have more control over the final result of the breast augmentation process.
The woman’s size of her breasts is important factors for sexuality. That’s why many women want to enlarge their breast to become more confident and gives proportion with her body shape. Breast implanting may be dependent on the brassiere sizes and the breast implant shapes that she could choose from. Deciding the preference of the shape and size of the implant is one of the most essential factors to do before the breast implant surgery. The size and shape of the breast implant that an ideal candidate will be using will also depend on the patient’s liking.
When a patient decided with her choice of breast implant shape and size, she must consider that this will be the final decision that will change her overall physical appearance. There are surveys and studies that most women change their breast size and shape, from size A to cup C and others would prefer to increase from cup B to cup D. It is advisable that a woman would not surpass a two-cup increase in sizes and breast implant shapes for this will promote the drastic changes on her overall physical appearance. She must conscious that her breast size and shape must be proportioned with her body frame.
In choosing the accurate breast implant shapes, there are two (2) options with their disadvantages and advantages:
- The round implant that provides the breast natural shape and it is associated with the minimal number of possible complications and risks. The disadvantage of this model is it offers control over long lasting superior pole fullness.
- The “tear drop” anatomical implant which provides a contour that is the same with the breast’s natural shape. This provides a vast control of the superior pole of fullness for women with wide-chest. This implant is use only on a consistent surface to associate with the tissue of the breast and it does not rotate in the body. It has the possibility that the upper portion of the implant would be inappropriately in the outward or inward positions if this type of shape will rotate.
The patient should discuss with her surgeon and ask the following factors although the doctor already knows these details, it is important for a patient to be honest and to open up with him. She must inquire the following: a) the right breast implant shapes; b) the implant surface (smooth or textured); c) the implant placements (above or below the muscles); d) the implant incision sites (areola, armpit, breast, belly button).