A Guide To Write Im Sorry Letters
Saying sorry could be fearsome to other people. Maybe they are thinking that their apology will not be accepted or they believe that saying sorry is too traditional and serious. Whatever reasons you have, if you want to maintain the people you love, you must learn how to say sorry and admit your own mistake. For some, they are too shy to say sorry face to face. The most appropriate solution for these people is writing an Im sorry letters.
If you are new to writing a letter, then you may follow the steps below to write your first Im sorry letter.
Tip 1: If you are going to say sorry for many things, write it on a piece of paper. This will serve as a list of all the mistakes you want to say sorry for.
Tip 2: Make a rough draft of your letter. In here, you do not need to mind on your spelling and grammar. Just express want you want to say. Make it genuine.
Tip 3: On the first paragraph of the letter, say sorry. If your mom is still mad, this will calm her and will encourage her to further read the content of the letter.
Tip 4: On the second paragraph, elaborate a justification on why and how the error occurred. However, do not do this in excess as this may imply passing on the blame.
Tip 5: On the last paragraph of the letter, make amends by asking your mom what you can do to make it up to her. Moreover, assure your mom that such mistakes will not be repeated again. Then lastly, say sorry again to your mom.
Tip 6: Re-write your letter on a clean piece of paper. You may ask a friend to read your letter and check if it is ok.
The above tips are just guide on how to make Im sorry letters. However, these are just guide; you are the one that would decide on what will be the content of your letter. It is easy to say sorry but what makes it hard is to make the person believe that you are truly sorry.
Click on the website Im Sorry Letters and make Im sorry Poems.