Nanjing Snow Emergency Replenishment Warm Down Jacket Sales People Turn 10 Times

    Down day 7 days a week sales are sales at 10 times the heater selling a variety of brands sold out. Yesterday’s visit to Nanjing, a number of shopping malls and appliance stores saw sudden drop in temperatures so cold a lot of people in Nanjing of emergency replenishment.

100 shopping malls in the new “Yu Zhaolin” thermal underwear counters, the reporter learned that, even though yesterday was Monday, but the number of people to buy thermal underwear last week, the weekday than twice as many. While a thermal underwear brand, sales staff, while busy billing addition to thermal underwear to sell, swirling snow days let them down jacket hot business. Down counters in the central mall, sales doubled, doubling the statistics is no longer news. A clerk is busy to a customer try on new down coat, while the other side of the new client again and shouting at her to try new clothes. The reporter noticed that many people come to buy down jackets, all of the sudden snow Gaode have been caught unprepared, after a short selection, directly put on the body. Central mall a Down counter staff told us that they counter last week’s turnover was just over 30,000, but this weekend, the business is nearly ten times the amount of the turn, breaking a 30-million, this increase also made them feel surprised.

Away from home by warm clothing, but into the house after the heater is also essential. Yesterday, reporters Suning, the country saw the United States and other electronics stores, though Monday, but the heater came to buy an endless stream of people, some hot-selling products have even assumed the labels out of stock. An electrical brand clerk surnamed Wang, told reporters last weekend that they counter heater on one weekend than the previous sales doubled 10 times, and now they are most worried about is that goods sold is not enough.

       While Touyebutai told reporters that weekend sales of their homes than the previous week increased by 80%.

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