Three series of characteristic Abrasives – Machinery parts – Air Source Treatmen
Referred to as abrasive grinding tools, grinding with abrasive products, coated abrasives and superhard abrasive three major series, different characteristics, independent existence, their own merits.
1. Consolidation is abrasive abrasive abrasive products (grinding material) and binder made of a certain shape and a certain tool grinding capacity. Abrasive marks Example: the shape of abrasive grain size binder hardness organizations 35M/SGB/T2485 shape code 300 × 50 × 75 types of grit size abrasive hardness of bonded abrasives the highest number of work organization conditions where the standard rate of abrasive technology No. In addition to the maximum operating speed and technical conditions where abrasive standard number, the other for the consolidation of the abrasive characteristics. Thickness abrasive grit size is the size of abrasive products abrasive are used in the series of standards, which are based on seven characteristics of the 1998 National Standardization Technical Committee Abrasives published by the Chinese machinery industry standard in each of the provisions of .
(1) Hardness: The hardness here is the abrasive in the external force, the combination of binder and abrasive strength, according to the thickness of grain hardness were used to blast and Rockwell hardness. Hardness of sub-super-soft (super-soft one, super soft 2), soft (soft one, soft 2), soft (the soft one, the soft-2), medium (in 1, 2), in hard (the hard one , the hard-2, the hard-3), hard (hard 1, hard 2), hard (super hard 1, hard 2) a large class of 7 of 15 small level.
(2) Binder: Binder is abrasive in all kinds of binder and abrasive bonding material. Bonded Abrasives usually ceramic, resin, rubber, four categories of magnesite bond. These four bond to ceramic bond diamond the largest proportion. Main materials are vitrified clay, feldspar, loess, composed of quartz by various abrasives, for different purposes and different methods (poured or suppression), such as different ceramic binder. Mainly phenolic resin type binder resins, powder resins and liquid resins divided two categories, is based on the different laws and different uses of the system is divided into different resin binder. Rubber binding agent currently used man-made SBR, buna rubber and the liquid rubber three categories, according to the different system of law and the use of different and divided into a variety of rubber binder. Bonded magnesite magnesium oxide and magnesium chloride are the main materials composed of two materials, mainly used for fine-grained abrasive for fine processing purposes. Various binder code is as follows: Name of bonding agent bonding agent bonding agent code-named ceramic resin bond V B R magnesite bonded rubber binder Mg (3) Organization: Organization is the abrasive in the abrasive volume occupied by , by weight% to that. Organizations in abrasives usually does not show signs, but when the time of manufacture set recipe, self-control to Arabic numerals, ie the lower the number, the more loose organization that abrasive products in the ratio of the less abrasive, whereas the greater number of The more compact organization, representing the ratio of the more abrasive. Usually Organization No. 0-12 of 13 organizations from the number.
2, coated abrasives coated abrasives is the abrasive binder to adhere to the abrasive substrate deflection, also known as soft abrasive. Coated Abrasives has nine characteristics: substrate types?? Substrate processing?? Abrasive type?? Abrasive particle size?? Planting density of sand?? Binder types?? Bond strength?? Shape?? Size
3, super-hard abrasive super-hard abrasive is caused by employing superabrasive diamond or cubic boron nitride grinding tools made of, Department of abrasive another big series. Several characteristics of super-hard abrasive and marked with the following: the concentration of binder, particle size, abrasive grade, particle thickness, diameter, thickness, diameter, shape code in accordance with the above features and markings are standardized the 1998 National Abrasives Technical Committee prepared by the China Publishing House of China Machinery Industry standard requirements of each standard on the concentration: the organization and the abrasive roughly the same number, but in super-hard abrasives in the logo should be marked. The so-called super-hard abrasive concentration is contained within the volume per cm3 grams superhard abrasive to% numbers indicate the concentration of the following codes: Code abrasive content (g/cm3) concentration
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