Three Great Places To Look For An Investment Deal On Real Estate Projects
The ability to raise money for real estate is an invaluable skill. Without the ability to find an investment deal or business angels, you will only end up spending your own money and taking ALL of the risks on yourself. Not a good idea at all! Finding money is definitely the way to go when it comes to startup capital or venture capital for a real estate project – or for any project for that matter.
It used to be that when you were looking into raising capital, you only had two basic options to find startup capital
1- Friends and family – which can sometimes lead to an uncomfortable relationship between your friends and family.
2- Other real estate investors that are looking for an investment deal.
But, thanks to the “Internet” and technology boom, three other options have also arisen. Not only technology and Internet, but even more so, we have a lot of “green” going on these days (green as in earth friendly!) These three options include:
– Other real estate investors or accredited investors. Same as before, but these people want equity and a nice ROI on their funds and they want it quickly! If you do not think you will get a ROI right away, this is probably not a good investment deal option.
– Seasoned Investors or Accredited Investors. These are usually individuals that do investment deals in a variety of businesses, but they also understand that with a large amount of venture capital comes the risk or lack thereof for a greater profit. These guys do NOT run away from an investment deal just because it might be a little risky.
– Green Business Angels. If you are going to have a business model or a store or a product that might in any way be “green”, green business angels are going to want a piece of the pie – especially if it means success or failure because they WANT anything green that comes their way to succeed.
One of the things I really like about accredited investors and business angels is that if they really like your idea and they help in raising capital for the business model, they will in turn start asking some of their associates friends and family members for venture capital as well.
This is a very good thing. The more positive accredited investors you have with your investment deal – the better obviously! There are also various funding platform programs available as well that you can look into.
This Author is a huge fan of INISMO