All You Should Know About On-line Advertisement

Since the early ninety when web was very rarely used by selected group of people advertising was on the cards of website and search engine developers, they did not know where and how the money to support their on-line search engines ideas would come from, but they knew that they would have to figure out a right way where they can connect to consumers and suppliers, in early web days people placed advertisement banners on sites which had no connection to their product or service, they thought placing Banner advertisement will allow people to visit to their website. Soon they realized that the clicks were not coming through, even if the click came in customer conversion rates were very low, it did not make sense to spend several thousand Dollars each day on Internet Banner advertisement which did not give them business in return.

Couple of companies came to capture the advertising model by making search engines and placing text or banner advertisements next to the search result, nothing worked well. Then came Google which wrote complex search algorithm which would show specific set of website in search result which had relevance with the keyword, this made sense the Organic search results were very accurate and people got what they searched for, Google became an instant boom and without spending single Dollar on advertisement the search engine found its way on almost each desktop.

After couple of years down Google grew rapidly and the founders found out a algorithm which would show advertisement which had relevance with the searched keyword, this was perfect match and companies started to place advertisement as they could even control the bidding process and spending each day by day, even they found the CTR (click through rate was much higher) compared to other search engines.

Google now allows advertisers to select the option, they can go for simple text advertisement or go for Banner image ads. In Banner you can choose from leaderboard banner or layer ad one can select depending on the graphics and text used to express your message even now you can post your TV commercial on Google and they can run as a video advertisement. In one of the research by independent media company called Thomas Media it reveals that more and more people are going for on-line advertisement year after year because of great return.

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