To-day to these give audience

Cheap Louis Vuitton Handbags and Cheap louis Vuitton Bags Your blessings steadily bestow’d, sure as the light, and still,
(Plunging to these as a determin’d diver down the deep
hidden waters,)
These, these to-day I brood upon &emdash; all else refusing,
these will I con,
To-day to these give audience. 1873 1897
SANE, random, negligent hours,
Sane, easy, culminating hours,
After the flush, the Indian summer, of my life,
Away from Books &emdash; away from Art &emdash;
the lesson learn’d, pass’d o’er,
Soothing, bathing, merging all &emdash; the sane, magnetic,
Now for the day and night themselves &emdash; the open air,
Now for the fields, the seasons, insects, trees &emdash; the
rain and snow,
Where wild bees flitting hum,
Or August mulleins grow, or winter’s snowflakes fall,
Or stars in the skies roll round &emdash;
The silent sun and stars. 1897 1897
FULL of wickedness, I &emdash; of many a smutch’d deed
reminiscent &emdash; of worse deeds capable,
Yet I look composedly upon nature, drink day and night the
joys of life, and await death with perfect equanimity.
Because of my tender and boundless love for him I love and
because of his boundless love for me. 1897 1897
(Cf. Stanza 27, Song of Myself, p. 53) TO be at all &emdash; what is better than that?
I think if there were nothing more developed, the clam
in its callous shell in the sand were august enough.
I am not in any callous shell;
I am cased with supple conductors, all over,
They take every object by the hand, and lead it within me;
They are thousands, each one with his entry to himself;
They are always watching with their little eyes

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