David W. Hausdorff’s Protect Your Children™
David W. Hausdorff is “Old School” when it comes to being a child advocate. Yes he shares his expertise and talents as a consultant to Fortune 100 executives and business owners all over the world on topics such as leadership, consultative selling, marketing, team building and ethics. Yet, for more than a decade he has been pounding the table when it comes to how we teach our children about public safety. Although he is best known for his inspiring and motivational presentations helping others create their own extraordinary success, David is also the founderof Protect Your Children™.
Protect Your Children is an organization on a mission to educate the public and spread awareness on the subject of child safety. Protect Your Children was created in 2002 when a girl named Samantha Runion was lured from her front yard by a man pretending that he had lost his dog. She was kidnapped, raped and murdered. During the same time, a seven year-old girl named Erica Pratt was also kidnapped. Fortunately she was able to escape from her abductors. It is a coincidence David W. Hausdorff has two daughters with the same names and ages as the victims; Samantha. David W. Hausdorff was affected by the crimes and began his passionate crusade to protect America’s children. According to Mr. Hausdorff, the most important asset we have in our country is our children.
Protect Your Children’s mission is to bring together those who can help raise awareness and educate sin on the she public on some of the most serious issues facing our children. This includes awareness on topics such as bullying, drugs, alcohol, self-esteem and obesity. David W. Hausdorff believes every child should be safe no matter where they live.
As the founder of Protect Your Children, David W. Hausdorff has become a guiding light in spreading public awareness on the subject of protecting our children. He has been able to garner the support of law enforcement agencies including the FBI and the United States Secret Service and corporations such as Pepsi, Publix Supermarket and HSBC.
Today parents are more attentive and aware of serious issues facing children. Law enforcement has with better technology and are better prepared act faster than before when it comes to cases involving missing children. Protect Your Children strongly believes there is much more to be done as the statistics are still alarming.