Family Guy Show–Amazing!
It’s completely obvious once Lois mentions Bonnie and Joe’s deceased son Kevin that he’d be making an appearance, and surprise—he totally does! He claims that he hated the army so much that he went into a coma when his quarters blew up, but he gets caught up in his own lie and has to confess that he just went AWOL. It’s a very typical story arc, and even Family Guy shows that it knows this; the season comes to a hilarious close when another Kevin shows up claiming to be “the real Kevin Swanson” and Peter decides “guys, I don’t think we have time for this.” Damn hilarious, and a smart way for the show to say, hey, listen, we know this is silly and we don’t need your sass about it!There’s times where all of this matters—it leads to a reconciliation between Joe and Kevin when they both realize their humanity—but it doesn’t bother so much with emotional resonance over comedy, and it’s mostly a setup for Peter to bounce his usual mix of inappropriate and insensitive one-liners and cutaway gags, and every single one of them works. He’s rarely this funny as the patriarch, and him leading dinner at a table with Carter Pewterschmidt, Ida, Adam West, Carol, and the usuals at the table provides for some truly hilarious moments.I complained a week ago about Family Guy not knowing how to balance of its characters in one season and this was an season that thankfully proved me wrong: while most of the story revolves around Joe, Kevin, and Peter, the three kids and Brian also get time in as well, with Chris winning for the best line of the entire season: “If you think that I’m gonna masturbate after THIS tonight, you’re right!” Overall, it’s the best I could ask for in an season, so if I had to wait all the way until Thanksgiving for it,