Bootcamps and Bootcamp Fitness

How many times have you tried to get into shape? If it’s not a number you can count on one hand then clearly something is going wrong at the moment and you need to look into ways that you can improve your success rate – but what is it that’s holding you back?

One thing it may be, and one thing that many people find, is that they’re too busy to get into shape or that they just aren’t feeling up to it. Say you try and start a new exercise regime tomorrow, but then your work is incredibly busy and you end up staying an hour and a half later. By the time you get home it’s dark and you’re feeling stressed so you decide to wait until the day after. That day though the stress has gotten to you and you’re feeling ill so you decide to postpone until you’re feeling better. You leave it more time then as a result and by the time you’re better you feel like going out drinking with your friends that night. The next day you’re hung over. The next day you forget… and pretty soon the idea of working out is but a distant memory.

That’s the problem with people who aren’t in shape and it’s why most people aren’t covered from the feet up in muscle. We are just too busy in our daily lives to get into shape and then there are the money aspects to consider and our general lack of energy.

Of course this is all nonsense. You aren’t really too tired to work out, because even if you just did ten minutes that would be better than nothing. Even if you just did ten sit ups that would be something and no one is too tired or ill to do ten sit ups. Likewise no one is so busy that they can’t find half an hour in their day. Have you watched any TV this week? Read any books? Called anyone? Watched YouTube? If you answer yes to any of those questions then you had time when you could have been working out.

Unfortunately it is just a mind set that gets you to this point and it’s a vicious cycle. You don’t want to workout because you’re tired and so your brain looks for excuses and they’re all very believable. Why not wait and start properly? (Of course the answer is because if you wait then you’ll never start). As you put off exercising and choose instead to do nothing you end up getting less fit and so feeling more tired and it’s even more psychologically repugnant to think of working out.

You need something then to ‘kickstart’ the whole process. Something that will force you to work out no matter how good your excuses are and no matter how tired you feel. That’s where bootcamps come in. Because with a bootcamp you have no distractions and nothing else to do – the only thing is the exercise. And at the same time you have someone shouting in your ear who won’t take no for an answer – someone who is telling you to get out there and work out and who is telling you that your reasons for not working out are flimsy. And when you return home you’ll still hear that voice in your ear.

A good way to keep fit and healthy is to join a Bootcamp Fitness class. Bootcamps can improve your overall well being, increase your fitness and health.

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