An Overview Of Sprung And Memory Foam Mattress

More and more people are now making the switch to a memory foam mattress. One of the reasons for this, is companies that sell memory foam are spending more on advertising than traditional sprung mattress manufactures – so are the benefits of memory foam real, or simply an advertising campaign trying to get you to buy an alternative product? Is a Sprung Mattress as good today, as it was 30 years ago?

Memory Foam

Memory foam was developed in the 1960’s by NASA to improve safety – this has been used as a unique selling point for many sellers – A space age material for the new millennium. There are two types of foam – one that reacts to temperature, and one that reacts to pressure. Both will mould around the body. There are also varies thicknesses and makers. Some of the stated benefits of foam are it relieves pressure on all points of the body – which helps reduce pain, and give a better night’s sleep. A downside is that it can be very hot, causing you to sweat, it is also available in less levels of hardness – usually only available as firm, as opposed to a soft mattress.
Sprung Mattress

The traditional sprung mattress has also been improved over the years – now offering more springs, unique features to insure you have no single pressure points. Available in multiple levels of hardness – from very soft to extremely firm, the choices of sprung mattress is much higher than foam ones. The disadvantage is that sprung can cost almost double the amount of a foam mattress, and requires turning and flipping every couple of month to reduce sag.


The most important decision when buying a new mattress is that it is comfortable, and offers you the support you need. Reviews may be helpful, but it will entirely depend on you as the buyer. What is restful for one person, may not be for another.

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