My Ropey Purse and My Friend

When I am going to pay my bill or take out my purse, most of the cashiers would gaze at my purse with a freak expression floating on her/his face. It is not because my purse is outstanding, pretty or of a famous brand name, my purse is very ropey and unusable.

Ropey it is, I can not abandon it. It is a present from a friend. When I was a child, I was very lonely, my presents always moved house because of their work. When I moved to a new community, there was a lovely girl named Lucy leaved in the neighborhood. We spent our golden time together until I went to secondary school. After we separated with each other (because my presents went to another city), we wrote to each other. I had no intimate friend except her because I was always on the move with my presents and did not have time to make friends. But just because I have Lucy, I felt not alone.

Time crept without any traces. I can not imagine that we went to the same university six years ago after our separation. Then we were always together and I was just like her shadow. One day when we were shopping, a nice purse printed into my eyes. It was a leather one with delicate tassels and graceful embroidery. When I touched its body, I felt it very comfortable to the hand. “Do you like it?” Lucy asked me. I nodded my head. Then I brought a pink one for her and she brought a blue one for me.

Shortly after our shopping, on our way to our apartment, there was a car zigzaged like mad and rushed over us. At the very moment, I was freaked out. Then I felt I was pushed by a hand and fell over on the ground. When I came to myself, I found Lucy’s blood was all around her. Her left me forever. I was lonely again.

Since then, five years had past, I kept the purse with me just as if Lucy was still with me. My purse was older and I never thought to have a change. When I pay my bill or take out my purse, I would think how lucky I was when Lucy had been with me.

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