Swimming Pool Heaters – Installation Guide
Swimming pool heaters are in demand these days. Many house-owners have opted for swimming pool heaters considering the extreme winters. Such extreme winters can take a toll on your health. A pool heater allows home owners to enjoy the pool water for many more days in a month. This is why swimming pool heaters are a must. Users can fine-tune the water temperature as per their requirements. Moreover, different homeowners prefer different temperatures. A pool heater gives them more control over the temperature of water.
Following are some points to keep in mind while installing swimming pool heaters.
Insulation Cover
Not many people are aware about this particular aspect. It is essential that you use an insulating cover so that you trap heat while escaping. You can then take off the insulating cover while using the pool.
Gas-Powered Heaters
These heaters are cheaper compared to other heaters. Moreover, the operating costs are minimal. You can achieve efficiency by using the gas heater along with the solar collector. Gas heaters are also competent because of: draft combustion systems, heat exchanger technology and hydraulics. Moreover, a minor percentage of gas is wasted while using gas powered heaters. In addition, they also heat the water at a much faster rate.
Solar-Powered Heaters
Solar power heaters are rather expensive compared to the other heaters.
However, they consume less energy, thus bringing down the operating costs. Solar-
powered heaters are however meant to be used along with other heating units. This is required since solar collectors have minimal heating capacity. Solar heaters are usually installed on rooftops and the water is passed through an additional heater. Solar heaters, on its own, cannot heat up the entire swimming pool.
Heat Pumps
Heat pumps do not create any heat. They transfer higher temperatures from surroundings and transfer it back into the pool.. Water is colder compared to the surrounding air. Thus, heat pumps collect heat from the air and transfer it to the pool water. Heat pumps are powered by electricity
Keep in mind that a pool heater should be of appropriate size if you want to heat the
entire pool. If you use small heaters they will not generate the desired heat range required for the pool. The water will thus remain cold. Ideally, purchase a heater depending upon the total area of the pool and the difference between the water and air temperatures. Some of the other factors that determine the weight placed on the heater are: humidity, cold temperatures and wind exposure.
It is very important that you seek the services of a professional and install a pool heater.
Similarly, you should hire a professional and tune up your pool heater on a regular basis.
Are you looking for the most informative swimming pool heaters reviews? Check out what buyers got to say about best pool motors at PoolProducts4less.com today.