Is A Hotel Property Management System Right for Any Hotel?
With tempers rising high, work pressure always on an increase and guests always having something to complain about, the hospitality industry calls for grueling work hours and tight schedule. In all this what happens is that hotels hardly find time to breath or organize their work. Property management system with its varied sections and features has always been there to sort out the work in a hotel. Ideally property management systems have an extensive range of software that is designed to look after the various departments of a hotel.
Many times, people have an impression that hotel management systems can only be used in big hotels or multiple property hotels. But the truth is far removed from it. PMSes are designed so that all kinds of hotels, motels, inns, resorts, lodges, hostel, military guest houses, ranch, suites, apartments and bed and breakfast can use it. Most of the property management system vendors have different price slabs such that they can cater to different kind of clients in the industry.
How Property Management Systems Cater to Different Kinds of Hotels
• Various consoles: Hotel management systems have different modules such as front desk, reports, housekeeping, point of sales, web reservation etc. These modules helps the various department work separately yet together to bring out the best team effort. Small hotels that have lesser staff benefit as much as the bigger hotels because one person doesn’t need to manually do everything anymore.
• Flexible features: All the modules of a PMS are flexible and can be customized according to the need of a hotel. For example, a large hotel will have more data to store and retrieve unlike a small hotel. A PMS can is customizes such that it can handle more data for the bigger hotel and less data for the small hotel.
• Web application: One of the most important features of a hotel management system is its web application option. Today all the PMS available in the market are web based ensuring that a hotel can operate it from anywhere in the world. This feature lets all kinds of hotels get a wider audience reach than ever before.
Author Bio:
Prabhash Bhatnagar is Manager of Sales & Marketing, maker of Property Management Software and Property Reservation System handles the key aspects of the running of client’s business, including bookings & reservations, Housekeeping, Spa, POS and generating reports.