Hope For Couples Wanting To Predict Chances Of Pregnancy

Today, there is a tool that is available online called a “fertility calculator”. This fairly new technology allows a woman to get an idea how likely it is that she can have a successful pregnancy.

IVF treatment is expensive, and is only sometimes available. Some studies show that is is less effective than lots of people think. But now the tool can help more accurately predict how effective that treatment will be.

To assist couples who are curious about whether IVF may be worth going after on their behalf, academics around the world have created the in vitro pregnancy calculator, which they say will predict a woman’s likelihood of giving birth with up to 99% accuracy. The tool is gaining a great reputation.

“In first world countries, In vitro fertilization treatments are successful in approximately 33 % of the women who are below 35 years of age. However, the same treatments are only successful 5%-10% of the time in women over the age of 40. This widely held belief is beginning to turn a lot of heads within fertility circles,” Professor Chas Livingston said.

Mr. Livingston continued to say that, “You will find a number of other factors in addition to age which could change your possibility of success, and treatment centers seldom take these into consideration when charting the course for excited couples..”

Free Fertility Calculator

The fertility calculator, designed for people to use at no charge can be found at a site called ivfpredict.com. IVF Predict pulls its data from a grouping of more than 150,000 different IVF cycles held in a file by Human HFEA is well known as the Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority.

Essentially, all of these pieces of information are telling us the same thing – that treatment-specific factors could provide infertile couples with an easy way of getting a really accurate assessment of the potential of an effective outcome. Livingston noted that the service “is a great predictor of IVF results in healthy couples.”

Prior to the creation of and implementation of the IVF calculator, couples did not have a reliable way of predicting pregnancy. Fertility clinics also had to rely on experience only, as the lone way of predicting fertility treatment success rates.

Accurate Results!

Now it is common for couples and clinics both to share in receiving accurate predictions as to whether they will benefit from IVF treatment.

To make use of the calculator, nine questions should be clarified. It’ll request the girl age, the number of years she’s been looking to get pregnant, what doctors have to say is the reason for her infertility, what previous IVF attempts she’s made and what were the final results.

Meghan Gearhart, professor of epidemiology in the College of Oxford, said the calculator is going to change the way fertility is looked at. The calculator will be used by couples and health care funders alike. It boosts the chance that couples will be able to receive healthcare to facilitate treatment because their likelihood of success can be lower than normal.

These new findings, that are released within the Library of Science and Medicine, were welcomed by Professor Jeffrey Sanchez, who is a practitioner in the department of obstetrics and gynaecology at Oswald University.

He had this to say: “What we need today is to stop generalizing with terms such as ‘high probability’, ‘good chance’ and ‘likelihood’. We need more direct terms that we can rely on to make decisions, such as ‘definite’ and ‘100% accurate’.

What is happening today is that IVF facilities are able to rely on much more accurate data than ever before. In addition, couples are able to get a good idea of whether their treatment can be successful. There is no doubt that the calculator is a great resource that is changing the face of IVF for everyone.

For more info, visit your local Brisbane fertility clinic where you can get more information on fertility rates and the IVF process.

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